COREY TAYLOR On Life Lessons From 'Halloween''s MICHAEL MYERS (Video)

August 1, 2013

A three-minute clip in which STONE SOUR and SLIPKNOT singer Corey Taylor talks to Fuse about the important lessons to be learned from slasher flick "Halloween" can be seen below.

Taylor's new book, "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Heaven (Or, How I Made Peace With The Paranormal And Stigmatized Zealots And Cynics In The Process)", landed at position No. 23 on the New York Times "Hardcover Nonfiction" best sellers list.

Released on July 16, "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Heaven (Or, How I Made Peace With The Paranormal And Stigmatized Zealots And Cynics In The Process)" documents Corey's quest to find out the reason why he's had so many paranormal experiences over the years and what has caused them. He told The Pulse Of Radio how that search inspired the book. "I sat back and I realized I had all of these experiences and I was still kind of looking for answers," he said. "I've never been satisfied with religious connotation, I've never been satisfied with the various and so-called 'ghost hunters,' so I just kind of sat down and started trying to figure things out for myself. And a lot of the explanations I came to made more sense than what was available."

Taylor is also offering a BitTorrent Bundle which includes part one of "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Heaven", the book's cover art, a sample of Taylor's comic book, four original comic book covers, and four alternative comic book covers and sketches. If you sign up with your email address, you'll get an exclusive download of the music video for "Do Me a Favor".

Taylor's 2011 memoir "Seven Deadly Sins", made the New York Times "Hardcover Nonfiction" best sellers list after it came out in July 2011, debuting at No. 26. The paperback edition, issued last year, features a bonus chapter.

Taylor promoted the book by doing a solo tour in which he combined readings, songs and discussion with the audience.

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